A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Measure a Recessed Medicine Cabinet Like a Pro

Could it be said that you are worn out on rethinking your estimations each time you attempt to introduce a recessed medication bureau? Are you fed up with the project’s inevitability of trial and error? All things considered, stress no more! In this bit-by-bit guide, we will tell you the best way to quantify a recessed medication bureau like a master.

Whether you’re overhauling your restroom or beginning without any preparation, our master tips and deceives will assist with guaranteeing a consistent and proficient establishment. So grab your measuring tape and join us as we dive into this foolproof process. It’s time to take control of your home improvement projects and measure like a true pro!

What is a Recessed Medicine Cabinet?

A Recessed Mirrored Medicine Cabinets for Bathrooms is a type of storage unit that is designed to be installed into a wall cavity. Dissimilar to conventional medication cupboards, which are surface-mounted and stick out from the wall, recessed cupboards are flush with the wall surface. This makes a smooth and consistent look, making them a well-known decision for washrooms and different spaces where style is significant.

There are two primary types of recessed medicine cabinets that can be installed: options for new construction and upgrades When walls are still open, new construction models are made to be installed during construction or renovation. Retrofit models can be introduced in a current wall without destroying it.

Why do you Need to Measure it?

Measuring a recessed medicine cabinet may seem like a simple task, but it is an important step that should not be overlooked. Whether you are introducing another bureau or supplanting an old one, precisely estimating the space is urgent for guaranteeing a legitimate fit and keeping away from any likely issues down the line.

Measuring a Medicine Cabinet with Lights ensures that all components fit together properly. This includes checking if shelves sit correctly within their designated slots and if mirrors align with surrounding tiles or fixtures. Properly fitting components not only contribute to visual appeal but also improves functionality by allowing smooth movements when accessing items inside the cabinet.

Tools Needed for Measuring

When it comes to measuring a recessed medicine cabinet, having the right tools is crucial for getting accurate and precise measurements. Here are the essential tools you will need:

1. Measuring Tape: This is one of the main devices for estimating a recessed medication bureau. It permits you to precisely gauge both length and width. Search for a measuring tape that is no less than 25 feet in length to guarantee you have sufficient length to gauge bigger cupboards.

2. Level: A level is necessary to ensure that your measurements are straight and even. Place it against the wall where your cabinet will be installed to make sure it’s perfectly level before taking any measurements.

3. Pencil: A pencil is used for marking your measurements on the wall or floor, so they don’t get lost or forgotten during the installation process.

4. Stud Finder: If your recessed medication bureau should be mounted onto studs, a stud locater will assist with finding them behind the wall surface. This apparatus saves time and exertion by staying away from superfluous openings in your wall.

5. Drill and Bits: Depending on the type of installation required, you may need a drill and drill bits to create holes for mounting screws or anchors.

6. Screwdriver: Most recessed cabinets come with screws or bolts that need tightening during installation, so having a screwdriver on hand is essential.

7. Safety Goggles: Safety goggles are required when working with power tools like drills to shield your eyes from flying wood or drywall or other debris.

8. Step Ladder/Stool: Recessed medicine cabinets are often installed above eye level, so having a step ladder or stool can help reach higher areas safely without straining yourself.

9. Masking Tape: Masking tape can come in handy when marking out dimensions on darker walls as traditional pencils may not show up well.

10. Safety Gloves: When handling objects that are sharp, like screws or drill bits, gloves should always be worn. Additionally, they can shield your hands from any cabinet’s sharp edges.

Step 1: Preparation and Safety Measures

It is essential to take the necessary preparation steps and safety precautions before starting the process of measuring a recessed medicine cabinet. This won’t just guarantee precise estimations but additionally, forestall any mishaps or wounds during the interaction.

1. Gather the necessary tools: To accurately measure a recessed medicine cabinet, you will need some essential tools such as a measuring tape, level, pencil, and paper. 

2. Wear protective gear: It is in every case preferable to be protected over grieved. Wearing protective gear like safety goggles and gloves is essential when working with sharp tools like a drill or saw. 

3. Turn off electricity and water supply: If your medicine cabinet has built-in lighting or electrical outlets, make sure to turn off the power supply before starting the measurement process. 

4. Clear up space around the cabinet: Before taking estimations, clear up space around the bureau by eliminating any items that might block your workspace. You will have ample space to work comfortably and without difficulty thanks to this.

5. Use a sturdy ladder: If your recessed medicine cabinet is installed high up on the wall, make sure to use a sturdy ladder instead of standing on chairs or stools which can be unstable and cause accidents.

Step 2: Measuring the Width of the Cabinet

The next step in measuring a recessed medicine cabinet like a pro is to determine its width. This measurement is very important because it will make sure that the cabinet fits perfectly and doesn’t protrude or stick out too much.

To start, assemble your estimating devices – a measuring tape or ruler and a pencil. Having an assistant hold one end of the tape measure while you take measurements is also helpful.

Begin by opening the entryway of the medication bureau completely and finding its edges on one or the other side. Place one finish of your measuring tape at one edge and expand it as far as possible across to the contrary edge. To ensure that your final measurements are consistent, ensure that your measuring tool remains parallel and straight.

Step 3: Measuring the Height of the Cabinet

It is time to measure the height of your recessed medicine cabinet now that you have accurately measured its width and depth. This step is crucial as it will determine how much space you have available for storing your medications and other essentials.

1. Find the Top Edge of the Cabinet

To begin, locate the top edge of your recessed medicine cabinet. This can generally be discovered by searching within the edges of the bureau or by utilizing an electric lamp to investigate the space behind the mirror. 

2. Measure from the Top Edge to the Desired Bottom Edge

Next, take note of this measurement and write it down. This will be referred to as Measurement A. It is important to measure all three points (top, middle, and bottom) and take an average in case there are any slight variations due to uneven walls or floors.

3. Consider Your Needs

Before settling your level estimation, consider what things you will store in your medication bureau and how high they should be put for simple access. For instance, if you intend to store tall bottles or jars, ensure that there is sufficient space between them and the bottom shelf so that they do not collide when the door is opened or closed.

4. Account for the Installation of Space

You should also take into account any space needed for installation purposes such as brackets or screws that may add extra inches to your overall height measurement.

5. Double Check Your Measurements

Once you have calculated these factors, double-check all measurements one more time before finalizing them.

6. Record the Final Height Measurement

Record your final height measurement which will be referred to as Measurement B.

7. Compare Measurements A & B

Compare Measurement A (the distance from the cabinet’s top edge to the desired bottom edge) with Measurement B (the final height measurement) to ensure accuracy. Re-measure and adjust if there is a significant difference.

Step 4: Measuring the Depth of the Cabinet

Since you have estimated the width and level of your recessed medication bureau, now is the ideal time to decide its profundity. This step is critical as it will guarantee that the new bureau you buy will fit appropriately into the recessed space without standing out or being excessively small.

To accurately measure the depth of your cabinet, you will need a measuring tape and a flashlight. Follow these steps:

1. Open the door of your current recessed medicine cabinet and locate the back wall. Use a flashlight to help you see clearly.

2. Place one end of the measuring tape at the very back of the cabinet against the wall.

3. Extend the measuring tape to where it meets with any shelves or compartments inside the cabinet.

4. Read and record this measurement in inches or centimetres, depending on which unit you are using.

5. If your recessed medicine cabinet has adjustable shelves, be sure to measure each shelf separately as they may vary in depth.

6. Take note if there are any protrusions such as electrical outlets or pipes inside your recessed space that may affect how deep your new cabinet can be.

7. Check if there is enough clearance for doors or drawers to open without hitting any surrounding walls or obstacles. It’s important to consider this when choosing a replacement cabinet with larger dimensions.

Tips and tricks for accurate measurement

If you follow these easy steps, you can accurately measure the depth of your current recessed medicine cabinet and confidently select a new one that will fit your space perfectly and won’t cause any surprises during installation. To guarantee that your establishment goes without a hitch, here are a few hints and deceives for exact estimations:

1. Use the Right Tools

Before you start measuring, make sure you have the right tools on hand. A tape measure is essential for precise measurements, but you may also need a level, pencil, and notepad to record your measurements.

2. Measure Twice

The idiom “measure two times, cut once” sounds valid with regards to introducing a recessed medication bureau. To ensure that your measurements are accurate, take your time and measure each side of the opening at least twice. 

3. Account for Obstacles

There may be obstructions behind the wall where you intend to install the recessed medicine cabinet in some instances. These could incorporate lines, electrical wires, or studs. Make a list of these obstacles and account for them in your calculations before you measure.

4. Consider Depth

When measuring a recessed medicine cabinet, don’t forget to account for its depth as well as its width and height. The depth measurement is particularly important if you plan on storing items inside the cabinet such as larger bottles or jars.

5. Check Your Measurements Against Cabinet Specifications

Most recessed medicine cabinets come with specifications that outline their exact dimensions and installation requirements. Before making any cuts or purchases, compare your measurements against these specifications to ensure accuracy.


Measuring a recessed medicine cabinet may seem like a daunting task, but with these simple steps, you can do it like a pro. You can ensure that your new medicine cabinet will perfectly fit into the designated space and enhance your bathroom’s functionality by following our guide. Make sure to take precise estimations and think about any likely deterrents before making your buy.

Thanks to wellfor.com for consulting on this post.

The post A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Measure a Recessed Medicine Cabinet Like a Pro appeared first on Decorology.

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