Learn Photography for Social Media

With this online course, you can learn how to shoot stunning lifestyle images for Instagram and other social media channels.

This is an online course by Cecilia and Marina of the social media and branding agency Bond. In this online course, they will show you how to plan, shoot, and edit photographs that captivate audiences and tell stories. You will discover Cecilia’s and Marina’s creative process for capturing stunning images. You will learn to develop your own process and personal style for Instagram and all the other social media channels.

The online course consists of 13 lessons. They are accessible online at any time—so you can learn at your own pace. It is perfect for creatives, community managers, and anyone who’s getting started in the world of digital communication and photography. Basic knowledge of photography and image editing is necessary for this online course. Just click on the following link to learn more about this popular course.

Take the course at Domestika
Learn Photography for Social Media: Lifestyle Branding on Instagram
Learn Photography for Social Media: Lifestyle Branding on Instagram
Take the course at Domestika

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