ShootProof Launches Print Store; Offering New Revenue Channels for Photographers and Purchasing Ease for their Clients

ShootProof photographers now have a one-click portal for their clients to design photo gifts, simplifying the process of creating tangible keepsakes for their special moments.

ShootProof Introduces Print Store

Atlanta, GA (October 19, 2021) – Designed with the creator in mind, ShootProof  has launched Print Store, which enables professional photographers to continue to guide their clients’ photo journey from digital to photo gifts like pillows, blankets, canvas and mugs to printed photos, framed prints, cards, and more. The seamless interface with Print Store unlocks new revenue streams for hundreds of thousands of small business photographers while fostering a continued connection with their clients. 

ShootProof is an all-in-one photographer platform offering online galleries, invoicing, contracts, lab orders, and digital downloads to millions of photography clients. Typically when a photo client receives digital files from any photographer, they embark on a process of multiple downloads and uploads to third-party sites to convert those photos to print and custom keepsakes. With Print Store, the ShootProof gallery seamlessly integrates photos with a full suite of design tools – powered by Collage’s technology –  making it easy to create personalized products in just a few clicks. Through the integration, photographers automatically earn 20% on orders from their professional galleries.

“In a survey of professional photographers, 91% stated they believe their clients are printing photos outside of their services. Not only did this take away from the professional photographers’ profit potential, but it is a clunky and inconvenient process for clients,” said Chief Product Officer, Rachel LaCour Niesen.  

On the consumer side, according to a recent survey of photography clients, 89% want their photographers to provide a solution to easily turn their photos into keepsakes and gifts. This opens up a whole new revenue channel for professional photographers. “It’s truly a win-win, turnkey service that benefits all parties. Print Store empowers photographers to literally make money while they sleep, bringing significant opportunities as we head into the holiday gifting season,” adds LaCour Niesen.

The Print Store launch is a natural evolution of the recent merging of ShootProof and e-commerce site Collage into a symbiotic marketplace under the Foreground name and leadership team. Using the technology and consumer information from their entire product suite, Foreground streamlines the link between photographers and photo consumers to create custom keepsake products with a click of a button.

“We’re providing the tools for photographers and their clients to take advantage of a best-in-class shopping experience informed by 80M+ shoppers,” pointed out Stephen Marshall, CEO of Foreground. “By unlocking the synergies between ShootProof and Collage, Print Store’s launch is the first of many innovations from Foreground that underscores our mission: To preserve life’s treasured moments and transform them into lasting memories.”

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